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If you donate in the "where needed" category, you will be contributing to our general fund and helping Dr. Coke to keep the ministry and his office running.  If you are already a monthly supporter, or would like to become one, please donate in the "support" category. 

The "India" category will help to put on Dr. Coke's annual pastor's conference in Muttom, India September of 2012 (please visit our reading room to see newsletters from past conferences). 

We give to "Arms of Love" orphanage in India each month, and support several widows in India and in the USA - if you contribute in the "Widows & Orphans" category, your donation will go to whomever needs it the most that month. 

"A Proper Education" is Dr. Coke's published book by that title.  Now you can help by "Getting the Word Out!"  We are currently trying to put this book in the hands of Colleges and Universities who have shown interest in using this book as a course.  Please pray with us about this possibility, and donate to help move this forward!

Thank you again for visiting the site!  To purchase Dr. Coke's teaching materials visit  For any questions please write to  Blessings to you and please visit again!

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8419 Pine Circle
Charlotte, NC 2821

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